U jeku skandala i incidenata čiji je total skor 26 banovanih igrača za sad, Valve se oglasio sa kratkom izjavom odnosno upozorenjem vezano za klađenje na mečeve u igri Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
“As a professional player, team manager or event production staff, it is common to have personal relationships and/or privileged information about other teams and players. Because of this, we will always assume that you have access to private CS:GO-related ‘inside information’ that might give you an unfair advantage when placing a bet on any CS:GO game or match. Betting using inside information, or even the perception or suspicion thereof, carries a significant risk of damaging your personal brand, your team, your community, and may lead to exclusion from future Valve-sponsored events. To avoid these risks, we recommend that you never bet on any CS:GO game or match. This recommendation applies both to current professional players and anyone who wishes to participate in a Valve-sponsored CS:GO event in the future.“
Po našem mišljenju odličan način da se malo stane za vrat vrlo ružnoj navici koja preti da sve više uzme maha. Samo stičemo utisak da je broj od 26 banovanih igrača daleko od konačnog.