Valve zaista ima nameru da obori sve rekorde u nagradama u eSportsu.
Fond nagrada za Dota 2: International 4 je porastao na 8.000.000 dolara, pošto je nastao “buying frenzy” kod igrača zbog immortal itema koji je Valve obećao kao nagradu ako se dostigne ta cifra. Prethodna dva cilja bila su na 7.2 i 7.6 miliona, Alternate Voice Pack i Favorite Hero Challenge, respektivno.
Imajući u vidu da 2.5 dolara ide u nagrade od prodatog Compendiuma, Valve je u svoju kasicu-prasicu do sada ubacio 25.600.000 dolara.
Alternate Voice Pack:
Vote for the hero you’d like to receive a new alternate voice and dialogue pack. When the recording is complete, you will be granted an item that unlocks the new voice.
Favorite Hero Challenge:
Start training for the next International. Select one of your Least Played heroes and we’ll provide a GPM/XPM analysis tool during the game to help you compare your performance with previous games. Win 10 games before July 28th and you’ll earn compendium points.