Obsidian Entertainment definitivno radi punom parom na novom patchu sa oznakom 1.03 za njihov poslednji RPG, Pillars of Eternity.
Taman smo nahvalili igru i u opisu koji je radio kolega Nikola Savić i u svim vestima, pa su bagovi koji su pronađeni u njoj došli kao hladan tuš. Za sada su igrači pronašli nekoliko bagova koji dosta utiču na igru, pa možemo komotno da ih nazovemo gamebreaking bagovima. Sigurno jedan od najgorih je stakovanje atributa koji se nalaze na ajtemu sa atributima vaših likova na taj način da posle skidanja ajtema ostaju, a ponovno “oblačenje” ajtema ih dodatno uvećava za isti broj – ad infinitum.
Celokupan spisak promena koje će patch doneti imate ispod – a pretpostavljamo da je prvi na spisku šala, mada, možda i nije?
- Bears and Cats can now be equipped with hats. This is most likely not a joke… but might be a joke.
- Fixed a problem where attributes on characters could permanently increase by equipping certain items. This will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue.
- The crash in Raedric’s Hold has been fixed.
- Fixed the looping audio sounds that can occur if you play with minimized tooltips.
- Previously Wizard summoned items could persist after the spell’s duration. This has been fixed and it will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue.
- The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We’ve included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you’ll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher.