Blizzard u saradnji sa Twitchom, koji je svakako ubedljivo najpopularnija streaming platforma, organizuje nagradu Blizzard Stream Awards 2014 , koja će se deliti u nekoliko kategorija. Nagrade obuhvataju svih 5 Blizzardovih aktivnih igara ( WoW, Hearthstone, StarCraft 2, Heroes of the Storm i Diablo 3), podeljenih u nekoliko različitih kategorija. Dobar deo nagrada određivaće se glasanjem samih ljudi iz zajednice, preko Blizzardovih foruma, dok će se u nekim kategorijama pobednici odlučiti na osnovu podataka izvučenih sa Twitch servera. Twtich je obezbedio novčani fond od 113 700 dolara za ove nagrade, pa će tako svaki prvoplasirani po kategoriji dobiti simboličnih 2014$ nagrade. Za više detalja, posetite zvaničnu vest na bnetu, klikom ovde.
Kategorije za koje će se glasati:
Favorite New Hearthstone Streamer in 2014
Most Educational Hearthstone Stream in 2014
Best Hearthstone Streamer in 2014
Favorite New WoW Streamer in 2014
Favorite WoW PvP Streamer in 2014
Favorite WoW PvE Streamer in 2014
Favorite StarCraft II Community Show in 2014
Favorite New StarCraft II Streamer in 2014
Favorite StarCraft II Individual Streamer in 2014
Overall Favorite Heroes of the Storm Stream in 2014
Most Educational Heroes of the Storm Streamer in 2014
Favorite Heroes of the Storm Community Show in 2014
Overall Best Diablo III Streamer in 2014
Most Educational Diablo III Stream in 2014
Favorite New Diablo III Streamer in 2014
Kategorije koje će se odlučiti na osnovu podataka:
Most Active Viewer (Followed the most Blizzard game streamers in 2014)
Most Dedicated Viewer (Subscribed to the most Blizzard streamers’ channels)
Streamer with Most Engaged Viewers (Most minutes per viewer, minimum of 1000 unique viewers)
Most Active Streamer (Hosted the most total minutes of Blizzard games)
Most Active Chat (Most chat messages per minute broadcasted, minimum of 10,000 minutes broadcasted)
Highest Mean Viewership