Destruction, multiplejer orijentisani add-on za Bioware-ov najnoviji RPG, Dragon Age: Inquistion izašao je danas.
Novi add-on smanjuje razliku između standardne i deluks verzije, a po rečima developera “Destruction adds new paths to existing destinations. The conflicts raging throughout the world have upset the balance of nature. Wild creatures now roam the battlefield, introducing chaos as they attack both friend and foe.” Ipak, pored Destructiona deluks verzija u sebi sadrži Skyhold Throne, Red Hart Halla, the Bog Unicorn, OST, Deluxe Edition chests i opremu Flames of the Inquisition.
Destruction add-on i Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe možete naći na Originu.