Valve je zvanično lansirao Dotu 2 posle dve godine koliko je prošlo od kako je projekat ušao u beta fazu.
Igra je konačno dostupna svima kao free-to-play naslov na Steam-u. Međutim kako bi obezbedili “steady launch”, iz Valva si saopštili da će novi igrači biti dodavani u talasima a ne svi od jednom.
Ukoliko ste nov igrač bićete dočekani sa tutorijalom koji bi trebalo da vam objasni osnove igre. Tu su i AI botovi na kojima možete da vežbate pre nego što otpočnete mečeve sa drugim igračima na Steam-u.
Evo i dela iz saopštenja sa official sajta:
Like we mentioned before, the launch of Dota 2 is going to take on a different shape than products we’ve shipped in the past. Our thinking is that we want the existing audience to have uninterrupted access during the launch, in addition to bringing new players into Dota 2 in a way that isn’t frustrating. Simply put, we want to smooth out the traditional launch spike, but at the same time allow anyone to come in and try out Dota 2.
Dota 2’s user base is already larger than any game we’ve ever made, and it continues to grow. Knowing this launch moment was coming, we’ve spent the past year working on getting both the backend infrastructure and new user experience into a state where we can welcome in anyone that wants to give the game a try. With that work now complete, it is time for us to invite anyone and everyone to come play.
Once you’re in, you can get a feel for what Dota 2 is all about by playing through the tutorial. After you’ve mastered some of the basics of the game, we have AI controlled bots for you to battle against, which can be set to a number of different skill levels. You can even grab a group of friends to play against the bots. It’s a great way to get started playing Dota 2 and figuring out who will be your first favorite hero.