Nove brojke su se pojavile koje ukazuju na to da će Xbox 360 vrlo uskoro postati najprodavanija current-gen konzola u Velikoj Britaniji.
Microsoft je u UK prodao do sada 8,4 miliona Xbox 360 konzola i imajući u vidu trend prodaje, uskoro će prestići Wii čija je prodaja svedena na minimum. Microsoft međutim ima još jako puno posla ukoliko želi da prestigne najprodavaniju konzolu u UK, pošto je PS2 jos nekih 1,5 miliona primeraka ispred.
Povodom ovog uspeha, director of Xbox and entertainment Harvey Eagle je izjavio:
“This is an historic milestone and our sincere thanks goes to each and every person that has bought and enjoyed Xbox 360 over the past eight years.
As you saw at E3 earlier this month, we announced a new Xbox 360 form factor and we are committed to ensuring Xbox 360 remains the best place to play games, connect with friends and enjoy your entertainment. You’ll see great exclusive content coming not only to Xbox 360, but also to Xbox One later this year.”