U talasu twitter i twitlonger objava mnogih devojaka sa esports scene ovog vikenda se nalazilo i nekoliko optužbi upućenih američkom Dota 2 kasteru GranDGranT-u.
Evil Geniuses je zaposlio Granta kao komentatora i streamera, jer je bio veoma popularna ličnost na sceni, posebno severnoameričkoj. Optužbe ukazuju na to da je Grant uznemiravao pojedine devojke pre ali i tokom partnerstva sa EG-jem. Zbog toga od danas više nije član ove organizacije.
Effective immediately, Grant “GranDgranT” Harris has been released and is no longer a member of Evil Geniuses.
We have a zero-tolerance workplace policy, and take any accusation of harassment, or a violation of our policies handbook, seriously.
— Evil Geniuses (@EvilGeniuses) June 22, 2020
Twitter korisnica cofactorstrudel je prva osoba koja je iznela svoje optužbe protiv Granta. Incident u pitanju se desio davne 2017. godine, na žurci posle TI 7 finala.
Fuck it. The hand-grabby person was Grant Harris.
He didn't hurt or threaten me (well, he hurt my wrist a little bit not letting go when I pulled). Just made me feel gross and slimy. https://t.co/P7W2LfobMl— 707 in a sun dress hacking police radios coz BLM (@cofactorstrudel) June 22, 2020
Na drugi incident koji je poznat od ranije se pozvao Antoni ”scant” Hodžson. Bivša Dota 2 komentatorka Natali “LlamaDownUnder,” je navodno do te mere uznemiravana da je morala da napusti svoj posao. Granta je još ranije odvela na sud, gde je protiv njega izdejstvovala dokument o zabrani prilaska.
We’ve all been far too quiet for far too long about Grandgrant. He has for years shown a consistent pattern of behaviour of harassing & degrading women. Most notable case we know about is LlamaDownUnder. She was a fast-rising Dota 2 caster. And then she wasn’t. Grant did that.
— Anthony Hodgson (@scantzor) June 22, 2020
Dalji tvitovi otkrivaju još potencijalnih žrtava Grantovog uznemiravanja.
Bruh not to mention the two women I know grant has legitimately assaulted who have yet to come forward
— Wicked (@Wickedscosplay) June 22, 2020
Procenivši situaciju, Grant je odlučio da do daljnjeg napusti Dota 2 esports scenu. Izrazio je svoje izvinjenje kroz nekoliko twitter objava.
ill be Leaving Dota and the Esports Scene For A long time if not permanent. I dont want to make this about me though, I want to Say, I hope the people who dont feel safe do feel safer, and I hope Dota becomes an overall better esport over the upcoming years.
— Grant Harris (@GranDGranT) June 22, 2020
I just want to apologize to everyone in the Dota Scene, the things I have done in the past really are Just horrible to look back on. I have worked on myself over the last few years , and have tried to better understand people and better understand me.
— Grant Harris (@GranDGranT) June 22, 2020