Valve nas je juče iznenadio sa dugoočekivanim Aghanim’s Labyrinth Summer Event-om. Ovaj game mode je stigao kao deo 2020 Battle Pass-a, ali je dostupan i za igrače koji ga nisu kupili.
Event možete igrati sa još 3 drugara, a cilj vam je da prođete kroz najrazličitije podvige i na kraju pobedite Aghanim-a lično. Lavirint nam dolazi u 4 težine, i može da predstavlja zaista solidan izazov. Neki od nas ne mogu da se pomere od Apprentice težine, dok su TI5 šampion Aui_2000 i profesionalni igrač MSS uspeli da izdominiraju Grand Magus težinu.
beat level 4 of aghs without any exploits :) had a lot of fun thanks @valvesoftware
— Aui 2000 (@Aui_2000) July 16, 2020
Evo kako je izgledala njihova postava, izbor itema i talenata:
Heroji: Winter Wyvern (DPS), Omniknight (Support), Disruptor (Support), Mars (Tank)

Winter Wyvern
- Power Treads
- Yasha and Kaya
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Monkey King Bar
- Hurricane Pike
- Bloodthorn
- Stonework Pendant – Neutral Item
- Winter’s Breathe: Arctic Burn attacks up to ?? additional targets within range, dealing ??% less damage to secondary targets.
- +150 Health
- +30 Base Attack Damage
- +40 Artic Burn Damage
- +4 All Stats
- Arctic Splash: Arctic Burn attacks damage enemies in a ?? radius around the target.
- +1.5 Winter’s Curse Duration
- +20 Arctic Burn Damage
- +8 Seconds Arctic Burn Duration
- +3 Seconds Winter’s Curse Duration
- Second Degree Burn: Every 2 seconds, an Arctic Burn attack is doubled.
- +4 All Stats
- +16 Movement Speed
- +16 Movement Speed
- Kaya and Sange
- Desolator
- Vladmir’s Offering
- Heart of Tarrasque x 2
- Octarine Core
- Force Boots – Neutral Item
- Trailblazer: Spear leaves a burning trail in its wake. The trail lasts for 4 seconds and burns enemies for 15% of Spear’s damage for a few seconds.
- +15 Attack Speed
- -24% Arena of Blood Cooldown
- +200 Spear of Mars Damage
- +5% Magic Resistance
- Bastion: Every 1.25 seconds of Bulwark being active, Mars gets an additional charge, up to 3 total. When Bulwark is turned of, Mars releases a Spear for each charge, in a semi-circle in front of him.
- -12% Spear of Mars Cooldown
- -12% Spear of Mars Cooldown
- -24% Spear of Mars Cooldown
- +300 Health
- Shish Kebab: Spear can impale up to 5 enemies at once.
- +100 Spear of Mars Damage
- +3 sec God’s Rebuke Slow Duration
- +100 Spear of Mars Damage
- Tranquil Boots
- Octarine Core
- Pipe of Insight
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Solar Crest
- Bloodthorn
- Guardian Shell – Neutral Item
- Stay in the Zone: Kinetic Field increases allied attack speed by 60
- +5% Magic Resistance
- +40 Glimpse Bonus Damage
- -40% Kinetic Field setup time
- -12% Glimpse Cooldown
- Ringception: Creates a second Kinetic Field with a radius that is 2 times bigger than the original.
- -20% Kinetic Field setup time
- +1 second Kinetic Field duration
- +8 Armour
- +10% Evasion
- Field of Dreams: All attacks on the affected enemies will crit for 140 damage.
- +1.5 second Static Storm duration
- -12% Glimpse Cooldown
- +4 All Stats
- Heart of Tarrasque x 2
- Bloodthorn
- Force staff
- Octarine Core
- Assault Cuirass
- Slippers of the Abyss – Neutral Item
- Condemnation: Degen Aura damages enemies in its area of effect for 25% of Omniknight’s base attack damage every 0.75 seconds.
- +15 Base Attack Damage
- +14 Heavenly Grace Bonus Strength
- +4 Second Heavenly Grace Duration
- +4 Armour
- Zeal: Heavenly Grace amplifies damage dealt by the affected unit by 30%.
- +4 All Stats
- +5% Evasion
- +12 Heavenly Grace Regeneration
- -12 Heavenly Grace Damage Reduction
- Personal Savior: Omniknight gains a separate ability, allowing him to cast his current level of Guardian angel on a single target. Mana cost is reduced by 50 percent.
- +4 Armour
- +7 Heavenly Grace Bonus Strength
- +16 Movement Speed