Bivši Mixer zaposleni Milan Li je juče na twitter-u javno optužio Mixer i njihov menadžment za rasizam. Izjavio je da se prema svojim partnerima ophode kao prema ”robovima”.
Dok je davao otkaz Milan je pokrenuo zakonski postupak protiv jednog od menadžera, koji na kraju procesa nije bio proglašen krivim. Odlučio je da javno objavi svoju priču, što mu je donelo veliku podršku od strane Mixer streaming zajednice. Mnogi streameri odbijaju da koriste Microsoft-ovu platformu dok se ne sprovedu konkretne mere.
I just ended my stream early and will no longer be streaming on Mixer until this is fixed.
I haven't decided where as this is my main source of income but we might be trying Twitch, Youtube or Facebook in the meantime.
I stand with anyone who makes this decision. <3
— VideoGameDiva (@VideoGameDiva_) June 22, 2020
I give Mixer one week. ONE WEEK! To get the piece of shits partnerships taken away (Cudi, Supa, Hollywood, etc.) and the asshole who thinks its okay to make a disgusting racist comment inside Mixer. If this is not addressed and dealt with, streams will be on twitch. Thank you.
— TheDramaQueen (@DQueen226) June 22, 2020
Effective immediately, my Mixer streams are cancelled until further notice. A real change within the company is needed.
I won't stream on a platform who's leaders or community team makes offensive remarks like this. This is NOT okay. I'm done.
Read This.
— Enola Leone |
#PrideAlways (@thatenolaleone) June 22, 2020
I stand with my community
No more @WatchMixer streams until this is taken care of!This is our home and it has become a not so inclusive place. Mixer is better then what has come out today. I demand action to be taken.
— Tonzy (@TonzyMixer) June 22, 2020
Mixer tim se izvinio izjavivši da će ubuduće biti mnogo obazriviji i da ovo nije atmosfera kakvu su želeli da stvore za svoje zaposlene.
Our goal is to build a positive, welcoming, and inclusive team and community. To those sharing your stories; it's unacceptable that we did not provide that for you. We'll be vigilant in addressing this more diligently in the future.
Thank you, Milan and to the entire community.
— Mixer (@WatchMixer) June 22, 2020