Večeras nas je dočekao nenajavljeni patch u HotS-u, ali nije u pitanju nikakav “content update” niti izmene u balansu, već “hot fix” određenih bagova.
U pitanju su bagovi koji su neko vreme pristuni i ugrožavaju integritet igre, tako da je ovaj set ispravki bio i više nego potreban.
Ipak, iznenađuje nas da među uspravkama još uvek nema nekih koje su možda i najupečatljlivije i za koje su igrači posebno glasni već neko vreme, prevashodno mislimo na bag kretanja Hanzoa.
Ipak, ne možemo se požaliti na listu ovih ispravki, jer su ispravljeni neki zaista problematični bagovi, a celu listu izmena u originalnu možete vedeti ispod:
- Genji: Fixed an issue preventing certain cleave attacks, such as Malthael’s Basic Attacks and Xul’s Cursed Strikes, from removing stacks of Genji’s Dodge.
- Ice Block: Fixed an issue allowing certain Abilities to be cast during Ice Block, including Jaina’s Ice Blink, Brightwing’s Storm Shield, and Malfurion’s Astral Communion.
- Jaina: The Wintermute Talent now correctly causes Jaina’s Water Elemental to mimic her Basic Abilities.
- Lunara: The Galloping Gait Talent no longer grants a permanent Movement Speed bonus.
- Tyrael: The Stalwart Angel Talent’s tooltip now displays the correct values for its duration and Armor bonus.
- Maiev: Casting Spirit of Vengeance just as a Core is destroyed will no longer cause the Spirit to cease animating.
- Maiev: Activating Naisha’s Memento will now correctly display an icon indicating its duration in the buff bar.
- Nova: Fixed an issue causing Holo Decoys to deal slightly more damage than intended after learning Lethal Decoy.
- Rehgar: The Rising Storm Talent will no longer increase Lightning Shield’s damage versus non-Heroic enemies.