Danas počinje Sezona 1 2018 na StarCraft 2 ladderu i nju prate i najavljene balans izmene koje će se najpre testirati na test mapi, pre nego što budu puštene na lajv serverima, odnosno nakon što prođu velika takmičenja krajem januara.
Kao što je i najavljeno, Raven će dobiti dosta izmena kako bi postao korisnija jedinica. Vraća nam se Auto Turret, ali sa manjim dometom kastovanja od 1, umesto 3, tako da će sada biti teže Ravenima da samo dođu i spute Turrete kod radilica i pobegnu. Repair Drone će biti uklonjen jer se pokazao kao nedovoljno koristan, dok će i Anti-Armor Missile dobiti značajne bafove. Osim Ravena, i Ghost je dobio izmene i to tako što se stvara bez Personal Cloaking, ali sa povećanom startnom energijom od 75, umesto 50.
Kod Protossa, malu ali značajnu izmenu dobija Purification Nova kod Disruptora, koja je značajno oslabljena sa gejmplej izmenama s kraja 2017. godine. Više neće biti punjenja prilikom kastovanja, već se projektil poleteti odmah, ali će to punjenje ostati kada Disruptor izađe iz nekog transporta, kako bi se sprečili smrtonosni dropovi i igrač koji se brani imao vremena da reaguje.
Listu detaljnih izmena koje stižu u ovom patchu možete videti ispod:
- Raven
- Interference Matrix duration increased from 5.7 to 7.9.
- Affected units will now display a status bar to show the duration of the ability.
- Repair Drone ability removed.
- Auto Turret ability added.
- Auto Turret cast range reduced from 3 to 1.
- Hi-Sec Auto Tracking increases the range of Auto-Turrets by +1 again.
- Anti-Armor Missile
- Anti-Armor Missile will no longer have a delay and will fly immediately towards the target.
- Splash radius increased from 2.4 to 2.88.
- Splash damage changed:
- 100% damage radius increased from 0.72 to 1.2.
- 50% damage radius increased from 1.44 to 1.8.
- 25% damage radius increased from 2.88 to 3.
- Energy cost reduced from 100 to 75.
- Enhanced Munitions upgrade removed.
- Interference Matrix duration increased from 5.7 to 7.9.
- Ghost
- Starting energy increased from 50 to 75.
- No longer starts with the Personal Cloaking upgrade.
- Ghost Academy
- Removed upgrade Moebius Reactor.
- Added Personal Cloaking upgrade
- 150 Minerals / 150 Gas / 85.7 Research time
- Nexus + Mothership
- Mass Recall and Strategic Recall warp-in times increased from 0 seconds to 0.7 second.
- Stalker
- Particle Disruptors damage reduced from 15 (21 vs armored) to 13 (18 vs armored) and period reduced from 1.54 to 1.34.
- Protoss Ground Weapons upgrade will provide +1 base damage and +1 armored instead of +2 base damage.
- Particle Disruptors damage reduced from 15 (21 vs armored) to 13 (18 vs armored) and period reduced from 1.54 to 1.34.
- Disruptor:
- Purification Nova initial pause duration reduced from 1 to 0.
- When Disruptors drop from transports, if Purification Nova is not on cooldown, then there will be a 0.7 second pause before being able to use Purification Nova.
- Range indicators will be displayed for Purification Nova when the Disruptor is selected.
- Shield Battery
- Now has a ‘Stop’ command on its command card.
- Adept
- Adepts will continue with their last issued command instead of stopping after using Psionic Transfer.
- Hydralisk
- Split Muscular Augments upgrade into two separate upgrades:
- Muscular Augments
- Upgrade cost is 100 Minerals / 100 Vespene Gas / 71.4 Research time
- Muscular Augments
- Grooved Spines
- Upgrade cost is 100 Minerals / 100 Vespene Gas / 71.4 Research time
- Grooved Spines
- Split Muscular Augments upgrade into two separate upgrades:
- Viper
- Bug fix: Parasitic Bomb initial pause duration increased from 0 to 0.7 seconds.