Još jedan incident potresao je eSports scenu, a ovaj put u pitanju je igra League of Legends.
Iz razloga što mu nisu isplaćene zarade dok je bio član tima Supa Hot Crew, igrač Marcin “Kori” Wolski misteriozno je “nestao” iz tima Meet Your Makers, koji je povezan samo gore spomenutim preko kompanije AK3 GmbH samo nekoliko nedelja pre početka turnira LCS u kome se MYM takmiči. Možda bi sve prošlo glatko da menadžer tima Sebastian “Falli” Rotterdam nije pripretio Korijevoj majci oduzimanjem kuće zbog nepoštovanja ugovora koji je pomenuta gospođa potpisala.
Razgovor je snimljen i pušten to eter, a Falli se povodom incidenta oglasio sledećemo izjavom: “I admit I made a big mistake with saying this to kori. This Situation was crazy. A Player is leaving the Team one day before LCS starts. I was stressed in this situation and i agree i should not say something like this. I never said such stuff before to a player. I will offer MYM to leave the Organisation and step down from my job. The MYM Management was not aware of me saying this. I wanted to protect the other players cause the situation was looking bad for them and i made a huge mistake. MYM is not working like that it was me making a big mistake! I would like to Apologize to Kori and his mother at this point. Big Sorry!”
Kori se u međuvremenu vratio u tim MYM iz razloga što ne bi mogao da igra za drugu ekipu do isteka ugovora što bi ga efektivno isključilo iz profesionalne scene do januara 2016, a još uvek se čika Riot i snage reda i zakona da se oglase.