Samo nekoliko nedelja od druge zatvorene beta faze razvojni studio iza igre Elite: Dangerous, Frontier Developments najavio je i treću fazu dugo očekivane spejs simulacije.
Pored velike liste dodataka koje je donela beta 2 faza, developeri su najavili da će treća faza doći 28. oktobra (nažalost bez informacija šta će novo doneti). Pogledali smo spisak i moramo reći da dosta stvari na istom nas podsećaju na čuvenu Elitu iz 80-tih godina i ako ovaj “remaster” developeri Frontier Developments ne upropaste, Dangerous će biti odlična igra.
- New progression, with combat ratings from ‘Harmless’ up to ‘Elite’.
- Reputations per system and per faction that influence attitudes and prices offered to players.
- 570 star systems and 381,033 cubic light years to explore.
- Discovery, exploration and charting of new systems and the option to trade gathered data.
- Detailed system maps.
- New Outposts (small, exposed ‘roadside café’ stations in remote systems).
- New Ocellus starport.
- Further upgradeable Life Support modules, Engines, Hyperdrives, Power Distributors, Sensors, Shield Generators and Cargo Racks for all ships.
- New weapons, including mines and a Cargo Hatch Limpet built for non-lethal piracy.
- Visibility of other ships in supercruise, and the ability to track pilots through supercruise and hyperspace.
- In-game GalNet newsfeed, reporting story events from around the galaxy and each system.
- Gradual ‘wear and tear’ on ships.
- New Lakon Asp Explorer ship.
- All backers names from the appropriate crowd-funding reward tiers have been added to the NPC naming database.