Valve je izbacio novi apdejt za Steam Client.
Verovatno najbitnija promena koju je peč doneo sa sobom je mogućnost da od sad sakrijete igre iz svog Library-ja od očiju drugih. Sad će se otvoriti nova kategorija Hidden koja postaje dostupna kad barem jednoj igri dodelite tu oznaku, a opciju možete naći u meniju “Set Categories”. Pored ovoga, peč donosi još nekoliko drugih promena, a ispod možete videti ceo spisak.
Steam Client
– Updated desktop user interface styles, simplifying common controls and navigation elements, and neutralizing overall color palette to align with Steam web pages and Big Picture mode
– Don’t delay content updates for games set to high priority
– Fixed crash if you clicked on a game on the downloads page or clicked the details option in the games grid view
In-Home Streaming
– Added hardware accelerated decoding for Mac OS X 10.9 and newer
– Implemented periodic refresh to help repair screen smearing issue with NVIDIA hardware accelerated encoding
– Fixed race condition that could cause streaming connections to fail to connect with a timeout notification
– Removed a noisy log message from GameOverlayRenderer.log
Mac OS X
– Fixed web views not restarting if the underlying helper app crashed