God of War 2 director Corey Barlog se vratio u Sony Santa Monica Studios nakon šest godina.
Barlog je potvrdio da trenutno radi na stvaranju tima u okviru Santa Monica Studios koji bi trebalo da radi na sledećem velikom projektu u vezi koga je rekao:
What am I working on, you ask? Good question. Sadly, I cannot tell you…yet. But I can say that it is freaking huge, and it will live up to the standards that I helped establish here at Santa Monica Studios
Barlog je posle God of War 2 pomogao oko priče u God of War 3 i God of War: Ghost of Sparta naslovima. Nakon što je napustio Sony, proveo je vreme na najrazličitijim projektima o čemu možete čitati u njegovom zanimljivom povratničkom obraćanju na Playstation Blogu – koje je završio sa:
Your continued support is the reason I get to make these crazy big games. I thank you, from the bottom of my black heart, for all the time you play. I will keep working hard to create them if you promise to continue playing them. If you don’t, God will kill a puppy. This puppy.