Tomb Raider nastavak za next-gen platforme je već duže vreme u razvoju, potvrdio je zvaničnik Square Enix-a.
Prve naznake novog Tomb Rider-a smo imali na Comic-Con festivalu u San Dijegu kada je Tomb Rider comics autor Gail Simone rekao da trenutno radi na popunjavanju prostora između poslednje igre i nastavka.
Sada nam stiže potvrda ovog nastavka i od Square Enix’s CEO of Europe and North America Phil Rogers-a koji je u official blogu napisao:
I am also excited to reveal that we are well into development on a next-generation Tomb Raider sequel – something you may have heard about recently.
In the future, we’ll offer gamers more choice, support more platforms and try new things – but we will make sure that whatever the platform, we’ll always keep our focus on raising the quality bar. We feel that is what gamers should expect from a Square Enix game.
Tomb Raider reboot je izašao u martu ove godine i naišao je na dobre ocene kritike.