THQ je konačno u potpunosti rasprodat. Poslednja aukcija se odnosila na Darksiders, Red Faction koje je za 4.9 miliona otkupio Švedski Nordic Games. Osim ova dva IP-a, deal obuhvata i puno drugih manjih franšiza kao što su MX vs. ATV, Supreme Commander, Frontlines, Stuntman, Juiced, Full Spectrum Warrior, Destroy All Humans i druge.
Evo šta je povodom ovoga imao da kaže CEO Nordic Games-a:
First and foremost we are very happy about this deal which also turns over a new leaf for the entire Nordic Games Group. In the long term, we either want to cooperate with the original creators or best possible developers in order to work on sequels or additional content for these titles.
A very important point for us is not to dash into several self-financed multi-million dollar projects right away, but rather to continue our in-depth analysis of all titles and carefully selecting different financing models for developing new instalments of acquired IPs.
Ovim je saga oko prodaje THQ-a o kojoj smo već puno pisali, konačno završena.