Hajde što je sam Games For Windows LIVE problem i što će svaki iole normalan igrač zaškripati zubima kada skonta da mora da koristi isti da bi igra nešto, već sada ima i malih tehničkih poteškoća koje dodatno maltretiraju igrače pored standardnog lošeg servisa. Navodno neke igre koje koriste GFWL ne rade kako treba, ne prepoznaju ključeve ili im ne radi klaud kako treba i naravno – neće uopšte da se konektuju. MS radi na problemu, mi se nadamo da će ukinuti servis totalno ali dok tako maštamo dodali su dodatni fazon koji frustrirani igrači mogu da probaju:
Users are still experiencing this issue, there has been some progress; the Games for Windows Marketplace should now be correctly showing the Games Activation Keys and Live Access Codes.
We are still looking into the connection issues with various games. Some users are reporting success by running the following four commands in an admininstrator command prompt (right click on the command propt and select run as administrator)
– bitsadmin /reset
– ipconfig /flushdns
– netsh int ip reset
– netsh winsock resetthen restarting their computers, starting their game up and selecting “Sign-in with another account” and re-entering their log-in information.
This is not working for everyone and we are looking into a complete resolution for all of our users.