Već neko vreme možete javno videti znake nezadovoljstva i otvorene prozivke od strane Din Hola, kreatora DayZ-ja ka besramnom klonu istog – The War Z. Sada je to otišlo na skroz drugi nivo pošto je Hol napisao poduži pasus o tome kako je jako besan zbog The War Z-ja i kako ga čak bližnji mešaju upravo sa tom igrom i još par dodatnih boljki. Nevezano za War Z, naveo je kako postoji mogućnost da se standalone DayZ igra pojavi već u aprilu i da će glavna Chernarus mapa doživeti malo poboljšanja o obogaćivanja što se tiče životinja i prosto svega jer mu je mapa generalno delovala malo prazno.
Inače, da citiramo nezadovljstvo The War Z-jem:
I am angry about the WarZ. I’m very angry. I’m quite hurt personally because anyone can see how similar the words are, and while the average gamer knows the difference individual people don’t. I’ve had family members/close friends mistake the difference and confront me about what they believed was unethical behavior they thought I was making. I really don’t think anyone can understand just quite how exasperated that can make you feel when you’ve gambled everything on something, put your whole self and reputation on the line. So it hasn’t made my life very pleasant and I disagree entirely with the conduct and how consumers have been treated.
I think the word “scam” is such a loaded word that isn’t really relevant in the discussion, much like the word “terrorist” is a very loaded word and very much dependent on point of view.