Ali ne u War Z taboru već u Day Z. Naime, po sredi je Din Hol, kreator DayZ moda za ARMA II igru, koji je (da se ne lažemo) inspirisao kreatore War Z-a na grabež para i slave svojom ne toliko dobrom vizijom slilčnog koncepta. Din Hol je javno priznao da je depresivan i da je pojava War Z-ja glavni krivac. Što je sasvim logično da ako napravite nešto, a neko drugi se bogati na lošem klonu vašeg koncepta dok vi i dalje razvijate vaš za džabe. Mada možda je to malo dramljenje, možda i nije, evo Holovog komentara na redditu pa procenite sami:
I know I have been very quiet lately. So this will be really all I’ll say for the moment.
I’ve been pretty depressed about the whole situation. From a personal standpoint, this whole “saga” of the development made me seriously question if I wanted to be involved in the industry and I gave serious thought to cutting my losses and not being involved in the project.
At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren’t worth worrying about.
I’ve been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such – but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I’m just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.
I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I’ll come out when the dust is all settled.