Interesantna stvar se desila juče. Naime, neki od prezadovoljnih kupaca PC verzije novog Call of Duty-ja – Black Ops 2 je došlo kući, otvorilo disk i skontalo da je sve legitimno. ….. dok nisu ubacili drugi disk pri instalaciji koji je prijavio da je u pitanju disk Mass Effect 2. Naravno, da podsetimo da CoD izdaje Activison, a Mass Effect EA, obe kompanije žešći rivali (CoD vs. BF večiti rat). Tako da je greška skroz čudna jer diskovi izgledaju odštampano i normalno kao Black Ops 2, samo eto, sadrže Mass Effect 2. Activision će najverovatnije to nekako srediti ali su pride omogušili EA i BioWare-u odličnu podlogu za nastup. Srećom, situacija je toliko glupa da je odgovor (za sada) od BioWare-a u formi bloga.
Rumor has it that about a thousand customers who purchased Call of Duty: Black Ops II for PC today were also treated to a surprise copy of Mass Effect 2. If you were one of the affected, chances are you thought it was a mistake, but we prefer to think that it was an omen, and when the universe talks, you should listen.
If the universe thinks that you should be playing Mass Effect right now, who are we to argue? In fact, we want to help! The first fifty fans affected by this phenomenon to send us a picture holding their special disc 2 will receive a code for a FREE PC copy of Mass Effect Trilogy.
Remember, in order to qualify, YOU must be in the picture, and disc 2 of your Call of Duty: Black Ops II must be visible. Got it? Then send your photo to and you could be playing your very own Mass Effect Trilogy in time for the weekend!