Evo jednog insteresantnog presedana. Obično kreatori igara kada se pomene piraterija ili samo slegnu ramenima i kažu nešto tipa “Eh, šta da se radi.” ili se pobune malo i napljuju kako su oni radili, a neko tamo igra njihovu igru koju nije platio. Pre neki dan se pojavio Hotline Miami, oldskul fazon pucačina iz ptičije perspektive sa vajbom filma Drive i Reservoir Dogs. Naravno, igra se ubrzo pojavila i na svim eminentnim torent sajtovima. I pored gomile spam komentara, većinom od neukim i neretko nepismenih korisnika, izdvoji se jedan interesantan post na the Pirate Bay-u:
I’m Jonatan Soderstrom, me and my friend Dennis Wedin made this game,” the post reads. “We’re working on an update that hopefully will take care of any/all bugs, and we’ll try to do some extra polish in the next few days. Would be great if you could update the torrent when the patch is out! It’d be great if people get to play it without any bugs popping up. Hope everyone will enjoy the game!
Inače, naposletku je potvrđeno da to stvarno jeste Soderstrom, a pride je dodao na svom tviteru da:
I don’t really want people to pirate Hotline Miami, but I understand if they do. I’ve been broke the last couple of months. It sucks.