Jedna od glavnih junakinja Arcane-a je konačno stigla i u Summoners Rift!
Riot Games je 23. januara 2025. izbacio patch 25.S1.2, koji donosi brojne promene u League of Legends. Najveće novosti su novi šampion Mel, kolekcija skinova Mythmaker i tehnička unapređenja.
U nastavku možete pogledati kako izgledaju njene sposobnosti.
Passive – Searing Brilliance
Sa svakim napadom i magijom, Mel na neprijatelje baca overwhelm stakove koji nemaju limit. Kada broj stakova prebaci trenutni HP i štit protivnika, on automatski umire. Pored toga, kada Mel iskoristi magiju, Searing Brilliance pojačava njen sledeći napad sa tri dodatna projektila.
Passive – Searing Brilliance 💫
Whenever Mel uses an ability, she gains three bonus projectiles (up to nine maximum) on her next attack.
When Mel deals damage through an ability or attack, she applies Overwhelm, which can stack infinitely. If the enemy is hit by Mel with enough…
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) January 9, 2025
Q – Radiant Volley
Mel ispaljuje vatrene projektile na odabranu lokaciju koji nanose damage i overwhelm stakove.
Q – Radiant Volley ☄️
Mel fires a barrage of projectiles that explode around a target location, dealing damage repeatedly to enemies within the area
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) January 9, 2025
W – Rebuttal
Po aktivaciji, Mel dobija dodatni movement speed i kratkotrajni štit koji blokira svu štetu i odbija projektile u pravcu castera.
W – Rebuttal 🛡️
Mel forms a barrier around herself that reflects enemy projectiles back at the attacker, prevents her from taking damage, and grants her movement speed.
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) January 9, 2025
E – Solar Snare
Mel ispaljuje kuglu koja nanosi štetu i root pogođenim neprijateljima. Protivnici u blizini kugle su takođe usporeni.
E – Solar Snare ☀️
Mel fires a radiant orb forward, rooting those at its center while the area around it slows enemies and deals damage over time.
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) January 9, 2025
R – Golden Eclipse
Pasivno povećava damage od overwhelm stakova. Po aktivaciji, svi neprijatelji sa overwhelm stakovima primaju štetu u zavisnosti od broja stakova. Ovaj efekat ima neograničen domet.
R – Golden Eclipse 🌔
Mel strikes all enemies marked with Overwhelm regardless of their distance from her, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm.
Ranks of Golden Eclipse increase Overwhelm's damage.
— League of Legends // UK, IE & Nordics (@LoLUKN) January 9, 2025
Zajedno sa njom Riot je doneo i novi komplet skinova – Mythmaker, ali i A.R.URF (All Random Ultra Rapid Fire), dinamični mod , poznat po smanjenim cooldown-ovima i bržem tempu, pruža zabavu i nepredvidive mečeve, savršene za ljubitelje brzih partija.
Mel, Mythmaker skinovi i A.R.URF su dostupni već sada!