Noćas je počeo China Joy festival, koji su HotS fanovi dugo čekali jer nam je posle nedelju dana konačno prikazan Garrosh Hellscream, koji nam je najavljen još pre nedelju dana!
Garrosh će biti solo tank čija će snaga biti u izdržljivosti i inicijaciji, dok su mu slabosti mala mobilnost i nedostatak burst damage opcija. Njegov pasivni Trait je Armor Up, koji nam baš kao i u Hearthstoneu daje armor. Samo, ovog puta radi po principu obrnute proporcijalnosti u odnosu na vaš ukupni Health – što manje Garrosh ima Healtha, to će mu veći armor biti, za svakih 2% života koji mu fali dobijaće 1 armor.
Njegove bazične magije su uglavnom orijentisane na CC, Groundbreaker (Q) nanosi štetu i heroje na ivici efekta povlači ka sebi. Bloodthirst (W) je Garroshova healing opcija, sa kojom nanosi solidan damage i leči se za 10% Healtha koji mu nedostaje, odnosno 20% ukoliko je odigrao W na heroja.
Njegovo E se zove Wrecking Ball i predstavlja još jednu CC opciju i način da rasturite pozicioniranje vaših neprijatelja. Prosto bacite bilo kog Heroja, Miniona ili plaćenika na neku lokaciju u okviru dometa, nanosite im umereni damage i usput ih usporite za 30%.
Njegov prvi Heroic je Warlord’s Challenge, i moramo da kažemo, deluje neverovatno moćno. Kada kastujete ovaj ability, svi heroji u dometu efekta bivaju sajlensovani i naterani da napadaju Garrosha tokom jedne i po sekunde. Dakle, sjajno CC oruđe koje će dobijati mnoge partije.
Drugi Heroic mu je više orijentisan na sustain damage i slow. Zove se Decimate ima veoma mali cooldown od svega 8 sekundi (koji se pritom smanjuje za po 1 sekundu za svakog heroja koga udarite) i 3 čardža. Nanosi umeren damage koji je 100% veći protiv heroja i pritom usporava sve neprijatelje koje udari za 30%.
Pogledajte zvanični promo video, a ispod videa listu svih talenta koju prenosimo u originalnu.
Level 1
[Q] Warbreaker
Quest: Pull Heroes with Groundbreaker
Reward: After pulling 5 Heroes, Groundbreaker deal san additional 150 damage over 3 seconds to Heroes. After pulling 15 Heroes, reduce Groundbreaker’s cooldown by 3 seconds.
[E] Unrivaled Strength
Increase Wrecking Ball’s throw range by 20% and its damage by 100%
[Active] Body Check
Activate to deal 111 damage to a target enemy and Slow them by 30% for 3 seconds. Damage is increased by 200% of Armor Up’s current bonus, and the Slow amount is increased by 30% if Armor Up’s bonus is above 25.
Level 4
[W] In for the Kill
Increase Bloodthirst’s damage against non-Heroes by 60% Killing enemies with Bloodthirst resets its cooldown and refunds its Mana cost.
[Passive] Thirst for Battle
Basic Attacks against Heroes reduce the cooldown of Bloodthirst by 2 seconds.
[Active] Indomitable
Activate to become Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds.
Level 7
[Q] Intimidation
Groundbreaker reduces the Attack Speed of Heroes hit by 40% for 4 seconds.
[Active] Brute Force
Enemies hit by Body Check receive 50% reduced healing for 4 seconds.
[Passive] Oppressor
Basic Attacks against Heroes reduce the target’s Spell Power by 40% for 2.5 seconds.
[Active] Into the Fray
Activate to throw a nearby ally and grant them 25 Armor for 3 seconds. Deals 91 damage to nearby enemies upon impact and Slows them by 30% for 2.5 seconds. While in flight, allied Heroes are Unstoppable.
Level 10
[R1]Warlord’s Challenge
Silence nearby Heroes and force them to attack Garrosh 1.5 seconds.
Deal 50 damage to nearby enemies and Slow them by 30% for 1.5 seconds. Deals 100% more damage to Heroes, and each Hero hit reduces the cooldown by 1 second. Stores up to 3 charges.
Level 13
[Q] Defensive Measures
Pulling a Hero with Groundbreaker grants Garrosh a 350 Shield for 6 seconds.
[W] Bloodcraze
When hitting a Hero, Bloodthirst heals for an additional 10% of Garrosh’s maximum Health over 3 seconds.
[Trait – D] Double Up
Armor Up can be activated to increase its Armor bonus by 100% for 3 seconds.
Level 16
[Q] Rough Landing
Heroes pulled by Groundbreaker are Slowed by 50% for 3 seconds.
[Q] Mortal Combo
If Wrecking Ball is used on a Hero within 2 seconds of pulling them with Groundbreaker, Wrecking Ball’s cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.
[E] Earthshaker
Wrecking Ball Stuns enemies near the impact area for 0.75 seconds.
Level 20
[R1] Death Wish
Increase the duration of Warlord’s Challenge by 0.5 seconds. If an enemy Hero is killed while affected by Warlord’s challenge, its cooldown is reduced by 45 seconds.
[R2] Deadly Calm
Heroes hit by Decimate deal 20% less damage for 3 seconds.
[E] Titanic Might
Wrecking Ball now throws the 2 closest enemies.
[Active] Inner Rage
Body Check gains an additional charge, and its cooldown recharges 100% faster while Armor Up’s bonus is at or above 25.