Novi mod u Overwatch o kome smo nedavno pisali, sličan Tavern Brawl-u u Hearthstone, bio je na udaru data minera koje je interesovalo da li se negde u kodu i fajlovima koje je doneo novi patch nalaze informacije o tome šta Blizzard planira za naredne nedelje. Kao što je bio svojevremeno slučaj sa Hearthstone, našli su upravo ono što su tražili. Čak 14 novih brawl-ova su otkrili svojom ”rudarskom” akcijom:
- Super Shimada Bros.: Welcome to Hanamura. Genji and Hanzo only. Faster abilities, slower ultimates.
- Mystery Heroes: On death you will respawn as a randomly selected hero.
- Justice Rains From Above: Pharah and Mercy take to the skies.
- Arcade: More health! Faster ability and ultimate cooldowns! Faster respawn!
- We’re All Soldiers Now: Soldier: 76 takes command of the Control Maps.
- High Noon: It’s high noon on Route 66. Headshots with McCree only.
- Show Your Support: All support heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
- Tanks a Lot: All tank heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
- Overly Defensive: All defense heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
- Highly Offensive: All offense heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
- Heads Up!: McCree, Genji, Hanzo, and Widowmaker. Headshots only.
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: McCree, Reaper, and Roadhog duke it out.
- Moba-Watch: Unique heroes per team. No hero switching allowed.
- Girl Power: Female heroes only. Sorry, boys.
Na prvi pogled, deluje nam da su mahom heroj1 vs heroj2 okršaji i očekivali smo nešto originalnije od Blizzarda, nešto što kao u Hearthstone-u značajno menja gameplay. Ali, ovo je tek početak i verujemo da će vremenom nailaziti i mnogo nestandardniji modovi.